
Cougars and Sugar Zaddys


The silver fox hunter,

Was casket robbing the cougarette,

The manther eyed the pugar,

Haguar were known as time fighters,

Looking for cougasms,

This had become cougarisitic,

Cougasuars and gynosuars once roamed this earth,

Along with the mamatees swimming with the winocerious,

All cubaholics babysittin as naughty pumas,

The crowfoot noggin,

fougars losing cougarginity,

Enough mansplaining for now, 

Frat daddies and unicorn dandruff,

Gunthering these chocolate santas,

These Chedda bunnies,

these polybabydadic were by nature, 

Don dada and monkey sugars,

Zamn zaddys with retired circus tigers, candy men with funemployment,

Cinnamon papas with Tennessee sweet tea,

Daddyism and shamesticks,

This was the time of the sugar daddies and

Wild cougars on the prowl,

Fougars with grey bushes and Splenda fathers trimming facial hair