
Nature\'s secret

In nature\'s secret, whispers soft and low,
A hidden world where wonders tend to grow.
Beneath the canopy of emerald green,
Lies mysteries and beauty yet unseen.

In every rustling leaf and babbling brook,
There\'s ancient wisdom, if you care to look.
The dance of fireflies in twilight\'s embrace,
Reveals the magic of this sacred place.

Beneath the stars that twinkle in the night,
Nature weaves dreams in beams of silvery light.
The moon, a guardian, keeps watch up high,
As secrets of the universe pass by.

In every flower\'s bloom and bird\'s sweet song,
There\'s harmony where all of life belongs.
The seasons change, a rhythmic, timeless art,
A secret held within each beating heart.

So seek in nature\'s depths, and you shall find,
The secrets of existence intertwined.
A world of wonders, hidden from our view,
In nature\'s secret, life begins anew.