GenXer Shamrocker ☘️

Face It

   All the partying and getting high won’t take away the pain. Believe me when I say you’ll have to face it someday. Those demons that you keep bottled up inside, have too much power; they eat your potential alive. Never becoming the man you can be because it’s too hard to deal with your reality. Never to become the woman you were born to be because of abuse that changed the course of your life rather hellishly. Instead of working through it, the partying feels safe. Until you wake up the next day with the same pain. Except it’s masked under a hangover. So you drink again until the days over. I’m not judging anyone. I’ve seen what my own hell looks like. My own demons once left me feeling paralyzed. Going through the motions. Never facing my pain. Until I met GOD; now I’m forever changed.