Petrichor of Love

The Battles of a Bard

Upon this parchment fair, with quill in hand,

I scribe a tale of poets\' arduous stand.

With verses rich, we seek to touch the heart,

Yet oftentimes, we stumble at the start.


The poet\'s path, a winding, treacherous road,

Where inspiration flows and oft does goad.

The muse, capricious, grants her gifts with grace,

Then leaves us stranded in a wordless space.


Oh, Shakespearean muse, with heavenly might,

Bestow upon thy humble bard thy light,

To craft the lines that sing with sweetest sound,

And in our verses, let true meaning be found.


But as we strive to emulate thy skill,

We find that oft, our words lack power and thrill.

The iambic pentameter, our guide,

Doth challenge us, our talents stretch so wide.


To rhyme with elegance, to paint with prose,

To capture life in verse, where beauty grows,

These lofty goals, they haunt our very soul,

As poets strive to make their voices whole.


Yet still, we write, we labour, and we dream,

For poetry\'s enchantment is our theme.

To touch the hearts of those who read our verse,

Is worth the struggle, better or for worse.


Though oft the path be fraught with toil and strife,

We poets persevere in this grand life.

To share our souls through ink and parchment\'s grace,

And in our words, find solace and embrace.


In this Shakespearean elegy, we weep,

For poets\' struggles, secrets that we keep.

But through our words, a legacy we leave,

For all who read, believe, and thus receive.


In this Shakespearean elegy, we weep and yearn,

For poets\' struggles, oft a lifelong churn.

But through our words, a legacy we sow,

In the hearts of readers, where our verses grow.


Though obstacles may loom, our spirits soar,

For in our verse, we find an open door.

To touch the souls of those who seek the light,

In poetry\'s embrace, our dreams take a flight.