
Thaw please, the 1%

What about the 16 inch Rims?

What about the A5 T-bone at Old Homestead?

A Patek Philippe?

An Armani blue suit?

Topped with a Versace mink?

You only see what you want to see

How can I show you this is not the way to live?

Don\'t you know there is sorrow on Earth?

How can you splurge whilst others scrap?

Deep within the recces of your conscious, there lies compassion I am sure

Compassion for those poor, those marginalized, those unfortunates

If I may indulge, there is a law.

What goes around comes around

There is a thing call retribution, yes

Your very own heart, your sabotage of your petty secrets and callous insensitivities

Your awaking days on earth observed and recorded

by the treasured left

To be reviewed and scrutinized by the guardians above

On your judgement day, no suit nor mink will cover you

Naked be thy folly, actions and deeds

Make hay please, frozen hearts

Do Something Now