
Keep Writing...

You don\'t need much. 

Just a pen and paper.
Or maybe a keyboard,
and a sip of coffee.
Your thoughts scrambled,
pieced up, jumbled, 
irritated, annoyed of the mess.
And then you go, write them in a flow.
One after the after, sentences 
turn into paragraphs, 
paragraphs into pages,
pages into books.
Then you look at
what you have done.
Gaze at the beauty of
what is written.
You smile, let the words
be absorbed by you.
Then think of sharing them
to the world to view.
While writing you were quite tense,
But later on very well, it made sense.
I won\'t say writing is easy.
Sometimes you just need,
a sip of coffee to complete that para,
other times you need to go through hell-pain,
to be able to write that word.
But in the end it is worth it.
Writing won\'t give you awards,
Instead to you it will reward
peace, happiness and satisfaction.
That I think is much better.
You will be healed 
by writing down,
the thoughts that your mind filled...
You will heal others...
as they read your words...
Keep writing, 
I will tell you why, look,
Cause one day you might
even complete your first book.
Do give it to me, dear writer...
I promise I will be your first reader!
- Sahil Dhobale.