
Pat on the Back

In a sordid world, full of woe,

there is an ardent need to grow,

a replica, I try not to be,

my actions say, “this is me”,


as a brother, and as a son,

in misery, I shall be the fun,

as a partner, and as a friend,

I’ll try to be your long weekend,


in my reflection, some self-doubt,

but there are words, that do shout,

“we love you, our dear good boy!”

The strength in me, to employ,


so, either at home, or on the road,

I will share the even-flow,

in a way that I know how,

to be a light in the crowd,


it’s not just me, it’s you as well,

we can make good personnel,

and become the ones who can heal,

create on Earth, a good ideal,


thus, in our customary discretions,

let’s re-write, such sombre sessions,

that have left us so far, in the black,

let’s all earn, our pat on the back.