Daye Writes

To Kiss a Wound

They say if you kiss a wound, it will heal
But I can\'t kiss your heart, so I\'ll 
kiss your lips, your skin, neck and other parts.
and I hope that one day it will
sink and something inside starts.
Because where you see yourself worthless all i see is a work of art,
so I\'ll begin to paint your canvas with the stain from your lips and I\'ll trace your frame so gently
from your head to your hips,
I\'ll leave landscapes on your body and 
there\'s not a place I\'ll miss
and I\'ll always be around to remind

you incase you forget
and if life ever comes between us
or mine comes to an end.
I hope that the very last when you
needed me i was a friend,
and i hope if i have shown you
anything is that every wound
can mend.
And that your life is far from meaningless
you hold universes within,
Know that you can do anything 
you fathom
If you only would believe
and the gift of happiness awaits you
if you are willing to receive
and there\'s so much love around you
More than you can conceive.
I hope you find it yourself
before you leave.