Petrichor of Love

Methinks! Love Echoes in the Halls of Time

Methinks! Love echoes in the halls of time,

Where Troilus and Cressida\'s love did chime,

In ancient Troy, their tale of woe portrayed,

A story of love\'s bloom, then swiftly decayed.


The Trojan Prince, in youthful splendour fair,

Did pledge his heart to Cressida, a rare

And beauteous maid, in love\'s sweet rapture, found,

Two souls entwined, their destinies spellbound.


Yet Fate, a fickle mistress, did conspire,

To set the stage for love\'s eventual mire,

As Cressida, torn from her love\'s embrace,

Was traded \'midst the Greeks, a cruel chase.


Methinks! The Gods above, with callous hand,

Did play their games, in Troy\'s beleaguered land,

As Troilus, in sorrow, watched her go,

His heart in agony, a river\'s flow.


The city walls, once strong and proud, now wept,

As love and loyalty in turmoil slept,

In Cressida\'s new world, love\'s flame grew cold,

While Troilus, in anguish, watched love\'s fold.


Methinks! Love\'s echoes in the halls of Troy,

Reverberate with sorrow, loss, and joy,

As Troilus, a soldier, met his fate,

In battle\'s throes, his love, alas, too late.


The moon, a silent witness in the sky,

Beheld their love, a tragic lullaby,

While stars, like tears, did shimmer in the night,

Aching for two hearts, once pure and bright.


Within the tent where Cressida did dwell,

A captive heart, her tale of woe did swell,

She wept for Troilus, her love betrayed,

In shadowed halls, where memories were laid.


Methinks! Love echoes through the ages ring,

A bittersweet refrain, a mournful sing,

Of love\'s brief glory and its bitter end,

In Troy\'s demise, where destinies descend.


Though time may pass, and Troy\'s great walls may fall,

In Love\'s domain, a poignant tale of all,

Methinks! Love\'s echoes still in silence chime,

In the hallowed halls of ancient, tragic time.


The gods above, with all their whims and schemes,

Became the authors of their tragic dreams,

Yet in their hearts, love\'s memory did soar,

A timeless ode to love\'s forevermore.


Methinks! Love echoes in the halls of Troy,

Reverberate with sorrow, loss, and joy,

As Troilus, a soldier, met his fate,

In battle\'s throes, his love, alas, too late.


The moon, a silent witness in the sky,

Beheld their love, a tragic lullaby,

While stars, like tears, did shimmer in the night,

Aching for two hearts, once pure and bright.


Within the tent where Cressida dwelled,

A captive heart, her tale of woe swelled,

She wept for Troilus, her love betrayed,

In shadowed halls, where memories were laid.


Methinks! Love echoes through the ages ring,

A bittersweet refrain, a mournful sing,

Of love\'s brief glory and its bitter end,

In Troy\'s demise, where destinies descend.


Though time may pass,Troy\'s great walls may fall,

In Love\'s Domain, a poignant tale of all,

Methinks! Love\'s echo still in silence chimes,

In the hallowed halls of ancient, tragic times.


The gods above, with all their whims and schemes,

Became the authors of their tragic dreams,

Yet in their hearts, love\'s memory did soar,

A timeless ode to love\'s forevermore.