
A Night AT The Musicals.

We walked into the theatre

Not knowing what to expect.

We sat down and waited,

Two men came on stage

And argued,

Argued about closing the theatre,

Then one said he could change it,

And he did.

He brought music to the theatre

And there we were enthralled

Enthralled by an evening,

An evening of music

From many musicals.

So many singers

Who were so very good.

We smiled, we cried

At the glory of the music,

The music sung for us.

We laughed so loud

As well,

As did all in the theatre.

At the end we came out

Came out of the theatre

With a big smile on our faces

And peace and love in our hearts.

What a wonderful night we had

Watching and hearing the show,

“A Night at the Musicals”