
Colors of a Silent Crush

I\'m an echo in her class, my heart fluttering fast,

For in her artistic world, I\'m just a humble cast.

A dance of colors, strokes, and lines, she gracefully imparts,

I\'m silently sketching the contours of her in my heart.


She paints the day with sunshine, and the night with moonlight glow,

In every vibrant canvas, her spirit seems to flow.

Each brushstroke tells a story, each pigment sings a tune,

I watch her from the shadows, a moth to her full moon.


She doesn\'t know I\'m smitten, that her smiles fill my dreams,

In my heart, there\'s a portrait, more vivid than it seems.

Her voice, a tender melody, her laughter, a divine song,

With every glance she steals from me, my affection grows strong.


In the realm of acrylic hues and pastel undertones,

I\'ve found a world of passion, yet the silence bemoans.

With every loving gaze, I fear I\'m crossing lines,

Yet in her abstract world, love knows no confines.


Confusion paints my canvas, in colors bittersweet,

In her radiant gallery, will my love find a seat?

I hope one day to tell her, as she tells tales with art,

The masterpiece she\'s crafted, the canvas of my heart.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf