
Half Century Ink (see photo in my gallery)


I waited and waited for many a year

Was never able to make a decision

My daughter, she pushed me and prodded me on

But I just didn’t have her clear vision


She said, Dad you turn 50, it’s reason for sure

Don’t you really think it’s now the time?

I’ll call them for you and make the appointment

Will you think of a real cool design?


I pondered the idea of something I’d like

Also, just where I’d like it to be

I gave my ideas to the artist I met

And asked him to design it for me


He asked for some time to get it all ready

Said the design was not one that he knew

But just one week later when I had returned

He had shown me this real wild tattoo


Outside of my bicep, my left arm displayed

Proved perfect for this piece of art

So, I took off my shirt and gave him my arm

As this man then proceeded to start


After 3 hours, such diligence deployed

My arm had birthed a new swagger

With my new black and white, a little blood red

Displayed was my heart stabbed with dagger