Joakim Bergen

Love! (a stream of thought poem)

What draws together

And pulls apart,

The strings between 

Mind and heart?


Oh, soul, pure emotion,

That, in madness, punctures

Reason’s veil; god-light!

You, the shadow-born, Moon-

Silent, with your entourage of

Misty maidens, sorrow and

Regret - oh Love! Mountain!

Sea! Oh, Sun! Love-light,

Love-dark! Love-Moon, Love-Star!

Take me there, where freeze the

Tears of solitude and eternal fire,

Promethean, cradles the heart;

Oh, to the pinnacle! To God!


You, Deity, Life-forge! You the Love;

You the Hate! Icy-fire, coal snow!

Bent in pain, firm in pleasure, I seek you,

Dove, beyond faith, beyond wisdom,

Beyond time, beyond life! Love! Pure aether!

The air! The earth! Fiery sea, foaming mad

At the peripheral, calm in center, ever-swirl!

Oh, You! The Magic! The Mystic! The Mind!

The Spirit! The Freedom! Yes; thy name, saith

In bitter sorrow and sweetest joy, in winter cold

And summer’s heat; shadow in the cradle, minister

At the grave! Love! Love! Burst as One! Endlessly!


I, the Lover! I, the Sun! I, the Life!


I love, therefore, I am Love.