Love? Affection? Care?

Love ? Affection? Care?

We humans crave for this.

A pursuit to experience, attain and clasp it.

We embark on, Why ? Simply just why?

Why can\'t we be content? With ourselves?

Why can\'t we be in peace with ourselves?

Why do you need somebody else to give our lives a sense of validation and happiness?

Humans are fascinating. 

We seek the things we don\'t possess in others. 

Thinking that the band aid will heal our wounds.

Some self inflicted, some cross inflicted. 

One day when the band aid is ripped off. 

It hurts , it hurts simply more than anything.

The temporary solution to the wounds we give heals a little over time.

But the pain , the pain is still there.

It gives us sleepless nights.

We get used to it day in and day out,

with scars To remind us of the conflicts we had.

These stay sometimes, forever.

As we engage in our pursuit of love and happiness in others.

We hold on this fine thread to stay afloat to escape from our past.