Soman Ragavan

\"Fond la digue\" ; 1 October, 2023

Poem : \'Fond la digue\' ; 28 March, 2023.

5 May, 2023
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Poem : “Fond la Digue”

Soman Ragavan : Hello. Can I post a poem of mine for analysis, please ?

Hello Soman! Of course, you are welcome to post your poem for analysis. I\'ll do my best to provide you with thoughtful feedback.
Soman Ragavan : My poem : \"Fond la Digue.\" This is about a place at Port Mathurin, in the island of Rodrigues (Indian Ocean). There is a dam nearby. The place is characterised by its quietness. Please analyse by each stanza, then give overall comments. Mention similar poems from other authors, where possible. FOND LA DIGUE

Thank you for sharing your poem, Soman. I have read it carefully and here is my analysis of each stanza and overall comments.

Stanza 1: The opening stanza sets the tone for the poem by expressing the idea of the poet\'s fate and destiny. The imagery of the hill with luxuriant greenery creates a vivid picture, and the use of rhyme in the final line adds to the poem\'s musicality.

Stanza 2: This stanza contrasts the present state of loneliness and anonymity with the potential for greatness that may come in the future. The line \"attention be turn\'d to torrents, from brooks\" is a nice metaphor that suggests the potential for the poet\'s work to be noticed and celebrated.

Stanza 3: Here, the poem shifts to a more philosophical tone, as the speaker reflects on the fragility of life and the transience of all things. The final lines about the poet\'s eye seizing all, down to secret, unshed tears, is a poignant and memorable image.

Stanza 4: This stanza explores the idea of the poet\'s role as an observer and a recorder of life\'s events. The comparison to a dog\'s fate is interesting, and the line \"our mind, heart, and spirit roam free\" suggests the freedom that comes with the poetic imagination.

Stanza 5: The title of the poem is introduced here, and the setting of Fond La Digue is described in detail. The simplicity and stillness of the scene is striking, and the use of enjambment in lines 1 and 2 helps to create a sense of movement and flow.

Stanza 6: This stanza continues to explore the poet\'s relationship with the natural world, and the way in which he draws inspiration from it. The description of the dew on the leaves as \"some nectar\" is a beautiful image, and the final line about penning down one more rendition suggests the endless possibilities of poetic expression.

Stanza 7: The image of the spider weaving its delicate web is a nice touch, and the comparison to the poet\'s talent and insight adds depth to the poem. The final lines about the poet\'s immortality and his tireless dedication to his craft are inspiring.

Stanza 8: The imagery of the solar lantern is a clever metaphor for the poet\'s work, and the final line about posterity looking to poets for nectar is a nice way to end the poem.

Overall, your poem has a contemplative and reflective tone, and the descriptions of the natural world are particularly strong. The use of rhyme and rhythm gives the poem a musical quality, and the various metaphors and images add depth and nuance to the themes explored. As for similar poems from other authors, the themes of the poet\'s fate and destiny, as well as the connection between nature and poetry, are recurring themes in the work of many poets. Some poets who explore these themes include William Wordsworth, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and John Keats.
Soman Ragavan : Thank you. Goodbye for now. 

You\'re welcome! It was a pleasure analyzing your poem. Feel free to come back anytime. Goodbye!

\"FOND LA DIGUE.” At Port Mathurin, Rodrigues, (Indian Ocean), 2001.

                                    FOND LA DIGUE
The fate of the poet. What a life !
What a destiny reserv’d for the poet.....
Yon hill, with luxuriant greenery rife,
Beckons at the traveller, with awe beset.

What a contrast ! Today, loneliness and anonymity :
Some day, great focus unleash\'d, Lord Almighty !
Today, nobody knows, nobody cares, nobody looks :
One day, attention be turn\'d to torrents, from brooks.

Might be snuff\'d out this life any passing day :
Suddenly all might be gone in a deathly foray;
But, what matters to the poet, who nothing fears :
His eye seizes all, down to secret, unshed tears.

Any place can be but a flimsy shelter :
At any time can strike sheer disaster (#) :
So be it : go public and let all be ravish\'d :
Poetry struggles free and cannot be famish’d.

                                              * * *

Many roads have we walk\'d, many paths have we trodden,
Many terrific events do we seize verily as they happen;
Life’s secrets do we map : our findings we pen without fail :
As the dog’s fate, the world be a kingdom : and a jail.

We glimpse what others do not see :
Our gifts do grasp the stunning facts;
Our eye takes snapshots of hidden acts :
Our mind, heart and spirit roam free.

                                            * * *

Fond La Digue. The middle of nowhere. No sound.
The stream flows on. Nothing else moves. Not a voice.
This place, this view, this nature do astound :
Lost in POETICAL RAVINGS, secretly we rejoice.

We walk and we jog, we run and we saunter :
We gaze on, we reflect on yon tumbling water :
We feed ‘pon these poetic views so delicious :
For Poetry these be scenes so sumptuous.

The dew ‘pon yon leaves be some nectar,
Sipp’d up by the trees as a heavenly potion;
Of everything around we be a spectator :
We try to pen down one more rendition.

                                                * * *

Lightly asleep amid yon deathly power lines,
The patient spider hath woven its delicate web;
Even in its sleep the insect everything detects :
And, even on these occurrences the poet reflects.

A talent\'d soul be the poet :
He reaches into every secret :
‘Pon Poetry hath he laid his bet :
His tales stop not even at sunset.

Nay, he ne’er rests, the poet :
In immortality his destiny set,
He exhorts by day, by night,
For, unique be his insight.

Ever scribbling on his poetic pad,
The poet chats on ceaselessly;
Yet, in his lifetime he sermons uselessly :
In deathly attire be his greatest glory clad.

                                          * * *

Lo ! Yon solar lantern soaks up the sun :
The energy doth it store up silently,
Unfailing blinks to give around nightly,
Without fail doth it every night run.

The lanterns blink on and warn faithfully :
The poet plods on and warns……. insanely;
\'Tis his duty, \'tis his destiny, \'tis his job :
When he\'s gone, a multitude shalt sob.

The sun rises, the sun sets :
\'Tis getting dark, \'tis getting cool :
Call the poet a raving soul, call him a fool :
For nectar, posterity still looks to poets.

(#) : remember Covid. 24 February, 2023
Mauritius (Indian Ocean)
