anji x


i am again walking again
while you are sleeping ~
in this haze I am delirious and crazy with the dream of you
every step I take ~ every heel and toe that pounds along this empty street
is the one that brings me closer
and so I love this walk ~
right now I see your hands, strong and fine touch divine
oh how I love your hands ~
i see your body ~ wet
the cool of the water rolling over your legs
and I feel your grin ~ and in this moment your happiness
i see your eyes ~ so full of light ~ bright like a summer day
and I close my eyes and watch ~
as one single bead of sweat drops and drops
and traces every line of you ~ from your brow ~ against your cheek ~
dancing briefly on your neck ~
then trailing lazy to your chest ~ caressing
and oh how I wish that bead were my tongue
the sweet ~ the salt
my will ~ my want
i walk and walk
then toss my head to gaze above
at the moon that wakes while the sun drops 
and falls and falls upon my heart ~ 
oh how I love this walk

anji x