The Legendary Kuv\\\\\\\'a Likenye*

In times of old, in Gbea town,

A hero rose, with just renown.
His name was Kuv\'a Likenye,
Brave and staunch, with heart of fire.

The Germans came with force and might,
To subjugate with all their sight.
But Kuva Likenya stood his ground,
With strength and courage, he did astound.

From mount Fako he led his band,
And fought the white man tooth and hand.

With spears and arrows he did slay,
And made the Germans rue the day.

His courage and his daring deeds,
Inspired all to break the seeds,
Of German domination\'s sway,
And make their own free day.

Thus Kuv\'a Likenye\'s brave name,
Will ever shine with glowing flame,
In Mopkwe\'s hearts, and Cameroon\'s fame.

By: *Walter Nwanja*