
Depressing s



In days of deepest blue,

When skies are gray and bleak,

The world outside seems dull and new,

And joy, it does not seek.


The sun hides \'neath the clouds,

Its warmth and light, it shrouds,

And all around, a chill resounds,

A heaviness, it avows.


The trees, they droop and sway,

Their leaves, they rustle naught,

The wind, it whispers low and gray,

A somber mood, it\'s fraught.


The world, it seems to sleep,

And in my heart, a heaviness,

A weight, it does not keep,

A sorrow, it does not release.


But still, I hold on tight,

To hope, it is my light,

For in the darkest night,

It guides me, it ignites.


And though the days be blue,

I know that they will pass,

For in the end, anew,

A brighter dawn will pass.