Bhumika Chowdhury_1437


People hear songs with words they\'re afraid to say,

Melodies that touch hearts in a profound way.

In lyrics unsung, emotions take flight,

Expressing truths hidden, tucked away from sight.


Whispered confessions in comforting tunes,

A solace provided as the darkness looms.

Fear hides within, a silent prison wall,

But in chords and rhythms, we find it all.


Some songs reveal secrets of a broken heart,

Words woven delicately, a healing art.

They shed light on scars masked by smiling faces,

And offer a refuge in vulnerable spaces.


Songs tackle taboos, the unspeakable themes,

Confronting prejudices, shattering the seams.

They challenge conventions and norms of the day,

Opening minds, teaching empathy\'s way.


With passion and power, they break through the fear,

Transforming emotions that seem too severe.

For music holds secrets, it breaks down the walls,

And through haunting melodies, freedom enthrals.


These songs give a voice to the voiceless souls,

Empowering those whose stories remain untold.

They offer release, a weight lifted off the chest,

Transforming silence into raw, heartfelt zest.


So cherish the lyrics that others lay bare,

The whispered confessions that float in the air.

For in songs unsung, the truth still remains,

A gentle reminder that we\'re more than just names.