Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Karl Marx, Hannah Ardent, and Me

“It was in 1849 that Germany arrested and expelled Karl Mark.

Again, France expelled him and arrested him.

Moved to Belgium and finally to London.

Losing his six children during the asylum process shows

How Much a Jew Suffered?

None of our 100 million MENAs suffered.

Moreover, she was loved and pampered heartily.

Even though they were born terrorists,

Without any personal skin, talent, or merit in life

Marx lost six children in his asylum process.

And six million Jews lost their lives in the Holocaust.

As another icon, Hannah Ardent was arrested and escaped from Germany in 1933.

I escaped arrest and escaped Ethiopia in 2020 for teaching LGBTQ rights.

I lost my upper teeth and left-hand shoulder for teaching LGBTQ rights, anti-corruption, whistleblower activism, etc.

Islamists are everywhere terrorists, terrorizing modernity and rights.

But Europeans, Westerners, and Germans love JIhadis.

Why are honest people always targeted by power and hegemony by loving terrorists?

In 2010, I lost my first baby to a honour killing in India.

In 2023, I lost my third baby (Stanford) to racism in Germany.

Karl Marx lost six children.

I lost two children.

We both lost our children to hate crimes.

Irony: none of the terrorists lost their lives, but subalterns did”