
Singing the Black Cat Blues

People stop and stare
when I pass them on the street,
some believe it is bad luck
as our paths cross each other
others turn away and do not bother.

Singing the black cat blues.

Superstition follows me wherever I go,
like a black cloud ready to storm,
sunshine days are scarce in my life
I am an orphan looking for a home,
beating the pavement as I roam.

Singing the black cat blues.

One day a person approached me,
catching me with a large net,
pushed into a cage in back of a truck,
I arrived to a building with lots of noise,
my home and shelter with two mouse toys.

Singing the black cat blues.

Visitors came and went and passed me by,
I tried to look loving and purred out my heart,
hoping to be adopted by a special someone,
so I would not live my life as a stray cat,
and enjoy the coziness of my homey habitat.

Singing the black cat blues.

While I was napping in my sheltered cage,
I heard the sweet sound of a woman\'s voice,
she stopped and stared at me as I woke up,
an attendant opened up the door and I was free,
my new owner picked me up as I mewed with glee.

No longer singing the black cat blues.