
My throne of lies

My throne is built from lies which you now kneel on

Every word that drops from their mouth is filled with something

They were never taught to be parents

I was never taught to be a daughter

He wishes I were something else

She wishes I could open up

I hurt them both

Without even trying I made her cry

She fears for me, cannot sleep, cannot think, cannot be

That is my fault

I should never have been born

If I wasn\'t

Her problems would dissolve

She would be happy

He would be happy if I weren\'t born

He longs for a boy a boy that is not be

I can pretend to be that boy

But that will never be enough

He wanted something that was not me

I curse the day I came into the world

Because I make her cry, and I am not what he wanted 

Every time she says I love you

It is filled with hurt 

Every time I see him

I get ignored

They have taught me that I should be quiet 

My whole self hurts people all around

I do not speak 

They have built a person filled of lies

I speak but the truth 

And for that, I stay quiet 

It is best to be quiet 

When they speak

When their hand strikes

When the lies fall from their mouth

I am quiet