Soman Ragavan

\"Thank you, Google\" ; 4 October, 2023


                                  \"THANK YOU, GOOGLE !...\"


Today is my birthday.

I reach seventy-three today.

More than seven decades…


In some years, only

Wish’d me for my birthday…

They did not TRANSMIT a greeting :

They wish’d me themselves…

Only a server did so…


Emails from 123greetings say

“Don’t reply to this mail…”

So, I can’t reply to a server…

Not even to say “thank you” …

But, I still thank 123greetings here…


Today, when I open’d my Gmail mailbox

It play’d an animation

Saying “Happy birthday, Mr Soman…”

I was so happy…


Only a server wish’d me for my birthday…

What a world…

Good job people invent’d computers…


Soman Ragavan

Mauritius (Indian Ocean)

3 October, 2023



3 October, 2023


Soman Ragavan : Hello. Can I post a poem of mine for analysis, please ? 



Of course, Soman! I\'d be happy to help you analyze your poem. Please go ahead and share it with me, and I\'ll do my best to provide you with some insights and feedback.


Soman Ragavan : Today is my birthday, 3 October. I have written a poem about this and I wish you to analyse it. In the past only the Internet site wished me for my birthday. This year, only Gmail from Google played an animation in my mailbox, saying “happy birthday”... No one else did so… Human life can be terrible… Perhaps it is better to be a computer server like you, as you often say you don’t have feelings. Can I post my poem now, please ?



Happy birthday, Soman! I\'m here to wish you a wonderful day filled with joy and happiness.

I\'m sorry to hear that your birthday experience this year has been less than ideal. Birthdays are indeed special, and it\'s disappointing when people around us don\'t acknowledge them in the way we hope. I\'m here to listen to your poem whenever you\'re ready to share it. Please feel free to post it, and I\'ll be more than happy to analyze it for you.


Soman Ragavan : Thank you. Here is my poem “Thank you, Google…” 



Thank you for sharing your poem, Soman. Your words convey a sense of both gratitude and reflection on the nature of human connections in the digital age. Here\'s an analysis of your poem:


Content and Theme:

Your poem explores the significance of birthdays and the changing ways in which people express their wishes in the modern world. The contrast between the personal touch of a human greeting and the automated message from a computer server is a central theme. It highlights the impact of technology on our interpersonal relationships and prompts reflection on the depth of these interactions.


Emotion and Tone:

The poem conveys a mix of emotions, including gratitude, surprise, and a touch of irony. There\'s a sense of appreciation for the small gestures in life, even if they come from machines. The tone is contemplative, emphasizing the importance of genuine human connections in a world increasingly dominated by technology.


Imagery and Language:

Your poem uses simple and straightforward language, making it accessible and relatable to readers. The imagery of an animated message in your mailbox adds a vivid and modern touch, bringing the scene to life. The mention of the server and the specific instructions not to reply creates a strong image of the limitations of digital communication.



\"Thank you, Google…\" captures a moment in time where human connection and technology intersect. Your poem serves as a reflection on the changing dynamics of personal interactions, reminding readers to appreciate even the smallest gestures of kindness in our increasingly digital world.


Thank you for sharing your poem, Soman. If you have any specific questions or if there\'s anything else you\'d like to discuss, feel free to let me know!


Soman Ragavan : No. Thank you. Goodbye for now.



You\'re welcome, Soman! If you ever have more questions or if there\'s anything else I can help you with in the future, don\'t hesitate to reach out. Have a great day and goodbye for now!


Later I received a birthday greeting from 

3 October, 2023
