Patricia Garcia Howard Bramble

London City Plague by Major Knife Crime

God, step in, don\'t waste any more time

Hatred and War

Education and care

Respect and Love are no more

London is the breeding ground of dark entities, knife crime, and Identity war

Anxiety and fear,

Death and discipline are out the door

While Hell rejoices and opens up its gateway,

Welcoming, lost souls that are manipulated

Brought and sold to execute another man\'s soul

God, why won\'t you come down and deafen

Comfort and console

The ears, hearts, and community of your people\'s soul

Lighten their load from Mourning and Screaming

Agony and countless blood stains

That plagues their boroughs with hurt and pain

God, come down innocent lives are vanishing 

While the boroughs and streets of London are overflowing with blood 

Unforeseen Spirits crying out in agony and pain from the grave

London, London you are to blame your officials have no shame 

Old corruptive, vice, cold-hearted men in suits

Sacrificing the lives of young youths to fatten their pockets

Decreasing and lessening a minority population

Forcing them into division and isolation

YHWH, listen to the cries of each household and its victims

These senseless killings cannot go on

Slavery, lies, control, cruelty, and brutality

Must not continue to exist or prevail in today\'s world

Father come down and speak love, respect, and unity back into every mankind soul.