

‘I’ searched for self, everywhere. 

They said ‘you’ can find it there.  

‘I’ read every book, 

I’’ crawled into every nook. 


Words and their interpretations, 

Believing these revelations, 

And every word summoning incognito, 

Discharging another veto. 


‘I’ began to disconnect, 

Body, mind and heart react. 

If this is not who ‘I’ am? 

Then is the entire Universe a sham? 


‘I’ think and conceptualise, 

The words require ‘me’ to analyse, 

For words have been the foundation, 

Of every individual and nation.  


And ‘I’ love script, 

Within the interpretation ‘I’ am gripped. 

Where else can answers be found? 

If not in the text that abound?  


Infiltration of labels and definition, 

The world is on a mission, 

To give everyone a place, 

Within a scripted space.  


And as the additions mount, 

We’re held to account, 

We forget the string of text 

Which has been complexed.  


The answer not seen, 

In the label, title or gene. 

Hard to understand, 

By human’s insatiable need for brand. 


So, ‘I’ continue to seek, 

And ‘I’ continue to speak, 

And ‘my’ words incarcerate,  

‘I’ feel true meaning conflate.  


There is so much at play, 

None of it here to stay, 

So, if impermanently felt, 

Then why these cards dealt? 


Who am ‘I’ in these shifts, 

What is this that life gifts? 

Why can’t ‘I’ hold it still? 

The happy, the good, the thrill? 


Then ‘I’ become aware, 

Of the sun, the sea, the air. 

All is moving without cease, 

Offering little or no permanent peace. 


‘I’ am not this, 

The revelation becomes bliss, 

‘I’ am infinity, 

‘I’ am not trinity. 


No number but One, 

Duality gone. 

Love encapsulates all, 

And the ego doth fall. 


She, him and her, 

Mr, Mrs and Sir, 

The circle complete. 

One love, one compassion, one heartbeat. 


We love consciously.  

I am you and you are me,