
Our Love

Our love goes deeper than the sea,

Our love grows and guides us to who we truly want to be,

Our home is seasoned with love,

Being with you, makes life not seem so tough,

You bring me back to life, when I\'m losing faith, and feel like im dead,

You carry me to a safe place and give me your lap to rest my head,

You smooth back my hair, whispering that it will be all right,

And that I need to relax and don\'t give up the fight,

The fight against myself in my sometimes overwhelming emotions,

You sooth my soul, easing the self made commotion,

It isn\'t easy dealing with the demons in my head,

Trying to convince me that my faith in God is dead,

But that only makes me stronger and wills me to fight,

To keep my belief and faith in God\'s undying light,

Our love for one another makes me want to try,

I will not give up or give in, to the devils lie,

Our love is an example , for our kids to go by,