sonal monhyung

My room\'s window

If it is early in the morning or

Late at the evening;

I sat on my room\'s window lonely!

To see the sky covered with clouds or

Watch birds flying next to my house .

If it is raining to see the big colour wheel

Or click a snap of this rainbow.

What a beautiful scene exist!,

Outside my room\'s window.



Air blow all over my body 

And dance with my blond hairs ,

Golden beam of the sun fall 

On my feet to give a creamy pic.

At the evening sounds of birds 

Call me to tell , it\'s time to go back.

To see those squirrel chasing each other

And to listen sweet music of nature ;

I sat on my room\'s window to fill this moment .



Lack of buildings and big houses

Made it possible to see green plantlets.

For the bird a clear sky ,

Give a ground to play , without

Interface Of technical device.

A small pond beneath of this 

Is ideal for small fishes swim in it .

All of this is possible to see 

Because my room\'s window exist .