Kanistha Chopra


I see a plain

One of infinite fervour

With Daisies and Chrysanthemums


I see the River and Rain

Dancing along

This Very Plain

Singing With Infinite Sustain


Then, I see

A great Wall

Unimaginable it is

And Yet so Known


I see the river

Flowing with grace

And I know

It is Paradise

(Birthed by this mysterious barrier)


But As I look aback

I see fire and Cinders

Raining on

A ‘Then’ Fiery River


I see only distress

A hell, One with

A rabid demise

Yet I know

I know it too

Took form from the high rise


Yet again, I turn forward

To see only light

And nothing more

A blinding silence

As silent as death

Death which runs through

Every atom of it


I knew again

I knew, it was the Mighty hill

From where it arose


Finally, I walk

I walk to the beginning

Before the Rivers and Rain


Yet, I see again

The Great Mountain

Full of Light and Dark

With Embers and Ice


Hence I come to know

The beauty and Calm

The great Rivers, all of it

Are the Children

Of This Mighty Mountain


Hence I contemplate

Of what Great a Nature

Is this Scene

Of calm and Fire

Of creation and devastation

Of Beauty and Destruction

Of Serene Quiet

(Answer me the forebearers:-

Tell me where is it??

Tell me what it is??)


And I Know

It is the closest

While It is also the farthest

It is most Known

And It is Unbeknownst


I Know it is ‘The Mind’

The fruit of its creation

The rivers and rains

The scene and the stage

Over which it plays

Its very own play

Reeking of Death

Where an Immortal entity

Acts the most ‘Lively’ Role

This entity, ‘All-Knowing’

And is truth itself

Is your own ‘Self’