
Who are we

Who are we as people on this earth,

Who are we from the second of birth,

Who are we destined to be,

Will we make the right choices,I guess we\'ll see,

As children we are innocent and our slates clean,

Who will we be when we\'re grown,it is to be seen,

Will we make bad decisions and go astray,

Of course we will, will we come back,who\'s to say,

Our roots run deep and will all stay grounded,

Who we will end up, depends on by whom we\'re surrounded,

Influence plays a huge role in our complicated lives,

Will be peaceful people, busy as bees in hives,

Or will we be pressured to to bad things,

We don\'t know what our life brings,

Or where we\'re headed, what road we\'re on,

The wide and simpler road, or the straight and narrow one,

Ultimately it\'s up to us,we\'re free to make our own decision,

We can only pray for clear vision,

To see the way to the Lord\'s way,

Only He knows where we\'re heading, only He knows the way