
My Spring


My Spring


Eyes so green like grasses,
With the sweetest smiles,
Girly giggles,
Dancing so free.


Never tell you\'re my dear,
My heart forbids it,
My mind so clouded,
Of this hatred.


You\'re my spring,
Smells like flowers,
In fields of evergreen,
And blue skies.


I\'ve been a jerk,
You showered me love,
You give me smiles,
I give you smirks.


Your hugs are warm,
I can\'t almost breath,
You\'re crushing me,
I can feel you\'re body heat.


I was standing at railing,
You\'re in distance,
I can hear your pure laughter,
I smile a little.


I look above,
I see birds,
You\'re like them,
So care free.


I envy you,
Since you can say
\"I love you\" so freely,
While I\'m tongue-tied.


My heart leaps out of cage,
When I hear those words,
But have a stoic face,
I may seem disinterested.


The hardest part,
When I leave you,
Under the moon light,
Your eyes glisten with tears,


I turn back,
And never return,
Body\'s quivering,
Hearts in pieces.


Your memories lingers,
Your long eyelashes,
Pink puffy cheeks,
And those starry eyes.


Now I\'m lost,
Wandering places,
Fulfilling the revenge,
I\'m plotting for years.


In bad company,
These hands stained with blood,
Countless crimes,
A traitor indeed.


Heart turned ice,
Emotionless face,
Screams dangerous,
Can crush them into pieces.


But here I was alone,
In dark, I hear crickets,
The bloods never stop,
Of this severe wounds.


I stare at the moon,
It\'s silent,
Perfect time for death,
But I remember you.


How you love me,
I disappoint you,
I dream of getting back,
When I escape this dark world.


Eyes starts to close,
In state of oblivion,
Warms hands cup my face,
With a sweet voice.


Eyes open,
White curtains,
My body ached,
Someone holds my hands.


I look down,
There she was,
Sleeping peacefully,
But looks sad.


I moved a little,
She wakes up,
Staring into me,
Tears welled up.


Dived in bone crushing hug,
Cries at my neck,
And cursed me,
I\'m happy she never forgets.


She\'s gotten beautiful,
A little tall with short hair,
But still the same,
So annoying.


Releasing the hug,
And kissing my cheeks
Then my forehead,
Ask if I was okay.


Never felt this peace before,
It\'s calm and sweet,
I\'m always at dark,
I can\'t reach the light.


She babble nonsense things,
But always smiles,
Her eyes sparkles,
I can\'t help but give a smile.


It\'s midnight,
I can hear the crickets,
The moon slip in curtains,
Cool wind hits skin.


Head on my chest,
In steady breathing,
Hearts in sync,
I\'ve got my spring.