Nicole Pritchard

I am here

I hear all the pain in your voice 
That your trying to hide 
 Where I want to take all your pain away
 It tears me up 
Seeing you this way 
With so much hurt 
Not wanting to let people in 
Breaks my heart
 I am here... 
I’m willing to do what it takes 
To help ease all your pain 
I want to support you 
Not to judge your pain
We all have pain 
I am here... 
Willing to do the effort
 When you feel like you got nothing
 Let me
 Be your rock 
When you’re about to crumble
 I am here...
If you need a cheering squad
 Let me Be the one cheering you on 
Building you back up 
Giving you the praise, you deserve
 I see all your pain
 So, lean on me 
I am here... 
For as long as it takes 
To ease all your pain
 Let me 
Be there for you