Richard Martin

Trees By Richard Martin


 Trees      by Richard Martin       431


Fall has a beauty for the eyes to behold,

there are colors of red, yellow, brown, and green.

As I sit on my porch overlooking the valley below,

the air is cool and clear, it’s a beautiful sight.


The trees like all things need their rest,

So they lose their leaves as if to weep.

Their limbs are once again bare with no sign of life,

They stand there unable for a single leaf to keep.


But again they will awake, when spring will call,

and the air is warm and the sun brings new life.

They’ll push out their green leaves and stand proud and tall,

knowing that once again, their leaves will turn and fall.


And once again they go to rest and wait for spring to call,

When once again I can see them push out their new green leaves. 

Year after year I watch the cycle of the trees in the fall,

And I am amazed at the beauty they show each and every fall.

