Bobby O

Avoiding Cliche’

“Once Burned” , my inner voice whispered,  unable to finish the cliche’
“Tis Better to Have”, brain  lock again, why care what others say?
Honestly, I usually lie to cover up regret
I ignored her needs , Wow! I said that Out loud, It’s my FAULT that she left

One Step, miles to go at least a thousand 
Chin deep in a self dug rut, alone on a deserted island
Libraries have many self help books , I checked out nine or ten
Ego aside with buried pride, Meditate, tap into powers of Zen

Priories straight, humble heart anew, anxious to proceed
Put Others first, respect loves power, react no more with greed
When again love visits, Thank God that glorious  day, 
This story then will have a happy end, no longer a cliche’