
Hidden memories



In the shadows of the mind they lie,

Hidden memories, time can\'t untie.

Whispers of moments, tucked away,

In the recesses where emotions sway.


Silent echoes of laughter and tears,

Stored in the vault of passing years.

A tapestry woven with threads unseen,

Unveiling stories, where dreams convene.


Faded images of joy and strife,

Etched in the canvas of a hidden life.

Footprints left by the steps we\'ve trod,

In the labyrinth of the mind, a clandestine sod.


Yet, in the veiled chambers of the heart,

Each memory plays its unique part.

For even in concealment\'s embrace,

The past leaves an indelible trace.


So let the secrets of time unfold,

As hidden memories, their tales are told.

In the dance of shadows, a silent reverie,

The past whispers, a timeless decree.