Hands on my neck
Hands on my wrists
I can feel you again
Wish I couldn’t
Haunts me over
Years later
Hands up my shirt
Frozen in place
I know you shouldn’t touch me there
You’re not done
Who am I to know?
Hands down my pants
Why are your hands there?
Why are they everywhere?
What is that sound you’re making?
I’m only nine
I was only nine
It’s hard to remember what year I’m in
You were my cousin
Why touch me?
Why hurt me like that?
Because you were a minor as well
The family didn’t care
Guess they didn’t think it was a big deal
I guess I shouldn’t either
It’s fine, right?
I don’t want to be a problem to anyone
They don’t want to hear about it
I guess I’ll stay quiet
If nobody will listen, why tell?
Everyone looks at me like a villain
6 years later, why try to be better?
You weren’t even punished
But I was.
I was.
Why am I the monster?
When it was your hands?