
Dancing with my Soul

In the garden of my mind, I wander,

A tapestry of thoughts begins to ponder.

A teenage heart, confused and unsure,

Seeking answers that seem obscure.


Among the flowers that bloom with grace,

I find the courage to embrace

The whispers of desires yet untold,

A new world to unfold.


Soft whispers of a tender touch,

A connection that I long for so much.

Eyes that sparkle with radiant light,

Igniting sparks within the night.


Feelings stir, like petals unfurl,

A realization begins to twirl.

Exploring depths that lie within,

A journey of self-love, I begin.


Society\'s norms, a weight I bear,

But I refuse to let them ensnare.

For love knows no boundaries or labels,

It simply seeks hearts willing and able.


So, I dance with the rhythm of my soul,

Embracing the parts that make me whole.

In the tapestry of life, I find my place,

Unveiling the beauty of my own grace.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf