sonal monhyung

Night before exam\'s result

This night is getting smaller

Minute by minute as thunder.

Looking at the clock calmly 

And sitting in the cornor lonely;

Thinking about what will happen?,

When parents\'ll know my standard


Every hour is like a tower:

One floor end but another come ,

When I\'ll get to roof ?

And get my study proof .

But praying to the god ,

May this night stay for so long ! 


If tomorrow come so fast 

And my result day\'ll stay for last ;

I\'ll lie to my parents

I have headache or stomach pain .

For this lie a reason hide

Only me can understand , you know why !


At this time , remembering all those days 

Instead of studying, playing in the park.

And those hour of reading ,

Instead chasing opponent in game .

This is like chilly spice making me cry,

What will happen tomorrow result time ? 


Only one night left to scare 

Because tomorrow I\'ll dare;

To run away from parents 

Due to what tomorrow will happen!

This one night before result day 

Is everything ok for a child to pray.


Not only me but almost all children

Scare the day of result declaration .

For the adult a normal thing 

But, for me a scary day .

This is only I\'m praying to the god 

May this night be last for so long !