
are you ok?

Are you ok?

Funny you should ask

Do you really care?

Well let me tell you


My heart is shattered 

My voice is gone

My tears have dried

There is no trace


The words I\'ve been given

Stuffed in a hole

The ideas that spark

Put out by life 


The horrors of reality

The simplicity of death

A breath is stifled

Before it could live 


Am I ok?

No, indeed not

My heart has fallen

Into the haze


My smile

A thing of the past 

My laugh

Tainted by sorrow


The words on my lips

Shall never be uttered 

The truth in my soul

Hidden forever


The story of my life

Written before lived

Has a ending so near

If only I could read it


The stars in their knowledge 

Seem so very far

A wish to be granted 

Only once more 


Death is an allure

Life is reality 

Pain passes on

Still scars bear the tale


Of one who lived

Who braved the world 

And kept their heart 

Broken evermore 


Yet those scars

Are what Shame and people use 

To break you down

And glue you into


What is acceptable 

And right for them

And once they see

A crack in the armor 


They push in deeper

And blame you for breaking 

Pulling you apart piece by piece 

Until they see what\'s underneath 


Then they turn away

And deny the truth 

Because they see what they want to see

No one knows you were made this way


But do you care?

Are you listening?

Or am I just a box

To check on your way?


Would you really stay here

If you saw the real me?

Will you let me cry

Without drying my tears?


No you won\'t

And thats alright 

I\'m used to being alone

I really don\'t mind 


If you feel better

Talking to me

By all means

Let me brighten your day


I know someday 

Someone will ask

Are you ok?

And you will lie


Everyone does it 

It\'s what\'s expected 

No one needs to hear

No wants to care


You have chains

So do I

From birth until death

Together we fight


In our own ways

Defying destiny

But for now our paths sever

Until we meet again


Are you ok?

I\'m fine

You sure?
