Christopher Kisekka Walugembe

Uganda\'s 61st Anniversary: A Poem of Resilience and Hope

In Uganda\'s land, where dreams take flight,

We gather here on this solemn night,

To mark the day we claimed our fate,

61 years ago, in a land so great.


But as we celebrate, we must recall,

The shadows that linger, the voices that call,

For amidst the joy and the drums that beat,

There\'s a haunting truth that we must meet.


Oh, Uganda, my beloved land,

Your beauty vast, your people grand,

But beneath your smile, a pain concealed,

A story of anguish, too long to be healed.


As a woman laments at a funeral\'s heart,

I weep for the lives torn apart,

For the innocent souls who\'ve met their doom,

In the midst of the flowers that brightly bloom.


Innocence lost, in fields of green, Innocence shattered,

a brutal scene, As the crimson rivers stain our soil,

We ask, \"Where is justice? Where is the toil?\"


The darkness of sorrow, the silence of night,

Whispers of anguish, a painful plight,

As tears flow like rivers, we cry for those gone,

But their spirits live on, in the rising dawn.


In this tale of a nation, so deeply scarred,

A history written, both brutal and hard,

We find the strength to rise above,

To remember the fallen, to cherish their love.


Let our unity be the light that guides,

Let forgiveness and healing be our strides,

For though we mourn and our hearts do bleed,

In unity, we\'ll find the hope we need.


Uganda, my homeland, we stand here strong,

In the face of adversity, we\'ll right the wrong,

As we mark 61 years, let us pledge anew,

To build a brighter future, where dreams come true.


May the pain of the past, like a phoenix, rise,

As we lift our voices and reach for the skies,

For in Uganda\'s story, the world will see,

A resilient spirit that shall forever be free.