
Every Exit has an Entrance

Every exit has an entry somewhere 
Every end has a new beginning in this life\'s Fair
Every dark cloud has a silver lining everywhere.
Life to be lead with care. 
And let all be aware.
To exude words that 
does not hurt till all are around there.
And once they are gone from here 
we shall share. 
the best of times we had when they were near
That is the best tribute to those who gave us the best with unbridled love they had in their heart for all as a Sinclair 
Lead a saintly life knowing not much time we had to spare
In this short journey 
We travel not knowing the station to alight where
A life not having time to stand and stare 
But keep living as mortals whom a day has to leave the portals after a great life lead in which seldom did we compare 
Our life with that of others as we live gazing at the galaxy of stars. 
Loved the one endowed with a doe\'s eye which I would ever stare
And dreamt to live with her in this sphere
Needed guts to go near
declare my love to the one as I had a genuine fear 
A day I picked up the courage as being in love reminded of days I shed many a tear
She to my joy accepted my love and said true love sees no fear 
And live hearts and thoughts ever near 
to each other and ever spend days as vehicles in top gear 
Till the day we live here 
And a day fly to kingdom the one far from this hemisphere