Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Remembering my best gay professor, Srinivas Ramchandra Siras

“O beautiful gay knowledge

You were killed by Aligarh Muslim University professors.

Your sexuality is not their sexuality.

Your vegetarianism is not their bloodthirst.

Your knowledge is not theirs.

Your Hindutva is not their Islam.

But still, you were killed by Muslim professors.

What a heinous act by Muslims against our non-Muslims!

They are invading our private spheres.

They are invading our homes.

They are invading our lands.

They are invading our identities.

They are invading our human status.

They are invading our lives themselves.


You were horribly killed by Muslim professors at Aligarh Muslim University in 2010.

I was horribly humiliated and persecuted by Jamia Millia Islamia University Muslim Professors and Research Scholars in 2006.

There is no book, either at Aligarh Muslim University or Jamia Milia Islamia, but the Quran.

The Quran is killing us everywhere, but still, the Western States, UNO, and Amnesty are supporting Islamic terrorism at the cost of our lives.

They made me physically challenged; they eliminated my son in India and another in Germany.

Fight the Islamic terrorism; every Muslim is a terrorist; every Muslim is an evil

They are anti-life, anti-human, anti-Muslim, anti-LGBTQ, anti-blacks, and anti-humans overall.


You see what happened to the Jewish community in Israel.

You see how they are shouting to gas the Jews in Australia.

You see how a 5-year-old Muslim girl is holding a machine gun to kill Jews.

You see how our lives are vulnerable.

You see how our lives are reduced to sub-human status by Muslims across the globe.

Jihad is killing us, but still, the West and global human rights bodies are supporting Muslim terrorism.

Rest in peace, my best friend.

Sleep well, my best and foremost gay friend.


My second son Stanford is being killed in Germany with a vaccine on July 4, 2023.

My other son was killed in India in 2010, the year you were murdered by Muslim professors at Aligarh Muslim University.”