sonal monhyung

Land abroad me

places far away me can be small 

If i climb a building so high .

For this purpose not only effort 

But a excitement in my sandles ; 

Need to see all those things 

That exists in land abroad me .


I take a long breathe 

And get ready my shoes.

To run on the stairs 

And to reach on top of terrace.

Carry a camera with me 

To take a snap of land abroad me .


Running on the stairs fast 

With my two friends, big and one it half.

Leave one floor and another 

Finally we reach at top after one hour.

I get ready to click pics

With my friends of land abroad me .


Places are beautiful than i think !

And looks like a movie green screen.

I suggest everyone to come 

And take a snap ;

Of those places that is stay 

On the land abroad me this day .