Bobby O

JAZZ IS LIFE ( updated version)

Swing into life with  with a boogie infusion, take less time to sort out the mess and confusion, 
face up  and corral and challenge the days tribulations,
hide them away forget calm and perfect chordal creations, 
expect next  the dents that will stride into our dissonant moments, reconvene reconstruct readjust recompense, listen again and again til that Coltrane solo makes sense, it’s my favorite thing his greatness never relents 
 it’s not Top 40 or love songs with sugary riffs,the circle of  life sometimes is bent to an ellipse, take time to dig into why modal Miles exists , That historical LP none will ever eclipse 
Life’s truth proceeds  in an Epistrophy measure, like when you find genius conveyed as Monk’s music builds pleasure there’s metaphor and more, note the organized chaos in a disharmonious Thelonius score. Or bet Stan Getz has The Sound in any Philly Arena or when he passes each one in Brazil Ipanema.  Thus Said, To Improvisationally  be simply polite, life IS Jazz so 
Jazz  must be Life
Bobby O