Introverted Sage

Voices in the Corridor

Save me from myself or not at all.
Can\'t seem to find my way out of this dark hall.
Try as I might I keep hitting these brick walls.
Running out of steam, the train preparing to stall. 

As a child that song would always make me cry.

Now I\'m older, life led me to this place and I can see why.
It was my dream to come here and learn to fly.
But my wings were clipped and in the desert I died.

Like myths and fables just enter my name.

My life has played out eerily the same. 
Do I follow the whispers or go back to where I came?
Made friends with Hades to keep from going insane. 

This line - I haven\'t walked it so well. 

Even sashayed myself right into hell.
It\'s on my choices I was forced to dwell.
Then the whispers started to yell. 

Show them your pain, it is alright. 

Even if it takes up all of your might.
Standing up and sharing a bit of your light.
Might help another through their own dark night.
