Kinsley Lee

The Dream Of Kimhae, The 2nd Poem

When the sun rises over Bunsung Mountain, they begin the new days, 
As it sets in Mt. Imho, then people return, ending a day\'s matter, 
In Kimhae, through two millennia, they maintain their lives like old days.

To the southward direction, Haebancheon, still the stream flows to enter
Though Bonghwang-dae, it left the old traces of the Gaya\'s palace, 
But the old dreams reside in Gimhae Library and Arts and Sports Center.

In this two millennia, logistics thrive, the mark is not traceless
At Haebincheon. KTX, highways and light rails pave the way, 
In the sky, all the time they never have the days with flightless

In two millennia\'s, an old dream reborn on present day, 
Hur Hwangok\'s descendants, toward, they are drawn to Hogye-cheon, 
Kimhae, reaching out to the world once more, on its way.
(30th, Sep.,2023, Kinsley Lee, Terza Rima)