
somewhere deep, inside the stomach of a crow

somewhere deep

inside the stomach of a crow

satire breeds it\'s vengeance

biting through a walnuts scant remains;

what day on earth is this?

now one less mouth to prod and poke forlorn

three-sided long

eclipsed by moon and tablet less supreme;

one look of scorn

shatters atoms brighter than a flare.

now wiles away the hours of such pain;

as scared as death.

some speak of death as nothing but a spark

that lights and rears it\'s children second best,

flamingo-blue for the setting down in stone.

no longer bone of man,

nor flesh of woman 

abstract; fancy free;

knee-deep in shapes more rounded 

than my eyes of seraphim;

immaculate as moth through a talking cloud,

begging for the red meat of despair;

perhaps I part my hair,

startle passers-by with the warmth of a neon light?

don\'t look too hard the tulip of my tears.

they are nothing more but water

somewhere deep

inside the stomach of a crow;