John Lee

My Little Mayfly

She flew in without warning

And landed on my heart

Took me back to a time

Before it was torn apart


 I thought my heart was gone

I thought it was alone

Just shattered pieces 

Scattered without a home


Then she brought a little bit back

Piece by piece by.. goodbye

Leaving me to wonder..

Will she ever be back


I\'m glad I didn\'t die

I\'m glad I spent the time

I loved to see her fly

She gave me a little bit of life


Now she\'s gone

Again I\'m alone

But in my soul 

She\'ll always have a home


Sing along to this psalm

Carry the rest of my heart

To the keeper of my soul

Cause you made me a little bit whole


She\'s not mine anymore 

But I\'m still a little bit hers

If only in another time.. in another life

But it\'s goodbye my little mayfly