

When arms are heavy and legs are like lead,

and reasons all vanish on why to leave bed.

When moods are all valleys and thoughts have no peak,when fathers of sons say ‘man up and don’t speak’.

When that voice can’t be silenced, and the mind turns to fog,

and the only one left is that heavy black dog,

that sits on your back like a vicious dead weight,

as you try to speak out, but the words won’t escape.

(Guess it’s true what they say, ‘men can’t communicate.’)

But through darkness there beams still a slither of light, a reason to stand and an ounce left of fight,

as you jab and you swing, but try as you might,

the light simply dims, and the wrongs aren’t put right.

As the black dog just sits on your shoulders, too strong,

and all that felt right once now feels so wrong.

The fight all but gone, arms still heavy, legs now weak,

anxiety increased and thoughts always bleak.

But the ground meets your feet, as you stand up somehow,

and refuse to be beaten, now stood firm and proud.

As a whisper is heard from amongst the once faceless crowd,

the voices once muted, now echoing loud.

With the 3 golden words that turn dark night into day,

so simple and clear ring the words…”Are you OK?”

Arms are now lighter, legs no longer weak,

your voice feeling heard, as you’re starting to speak.

The black dog now leaving, dark clouds start to clear,

in yourself you’re believing, the bad thoughts disappear.

As the weight gets lifted, and you start now to walk,

the pain slowly shifted through the power of TALK.