Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

The Star Genocide

Jewish Genocide      

Stanford, my little angel


No respect for humanity

No respect for life            

Inhumanity reached a space

Where children are beheaded

Children are not even mature.

But are toddlers, just-born babies,

Everywhere, toddlers are beheaded in Israeli villages.

Girls and women are gang-raped and murdered.

Men are tied and killed.

Army personnel are beheaded.


A thousand years of hatred

Medieval period barbarianism

Islamic ideology that beheaded, raped, brutally murdered, and humiliated the Jewish community on Saturday, October 7, 2023.


How much are they bloodthirsty?

How much do they want to drink our blood?

Everywhere, anti-Semitic ideology

No place for the safety of the Jewish community

Life-and-death situation


Colombia, Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, London, LSE

No knowledge center is safe for the Jewish community.


Everywhere in the West, “Gas the Jews”

Everywhere in Europe, “Gas the Jews”

Everywhere in Australia, “Gas the Jews”

Everywhere in New Zealand, “Gas the Jews”

Everywhere in Germany, “Gas the Jews”

Everywhere in France, “Gas the Jews”

Everywhere in Canada, “Gas the Jews”

Everywhere in the United Nations, “Gas the Jews”

Everywhere in the International Criminal Court, there were Jews.”

Everywhere in the BBC, CNN, and Al Jazeera, there were Jews.”

Everywhere in MENA, the West, and Europe, global human rights bodies “Gas the Jews\"


There is no place for Jewish safety except Israel.

Israel is the only safe haven for the nine million Jewish communities.

How can nine million Jews fight against three billion Jihads and their Western, European, and UNO allies?


The Holocaust is never gone; it is always there.

Hitler never sleeps; he is always alive.

Nazis are never gone; they are there.

Mohammed, Khadija, baby Khadija, Hitler, Nazis, and human rights united to eliminate minority Jews.


When they see Jews,

Allah wakes up.

Mohammed wakes up.

Khadija wakes up.

Baby Mohammed wakes up.

Baby Khadija wakes up.

Hitler wakes up.

Nazi wakes up

Human rights wake up


They wear human rights masks on their skin to eliminate Jews.

They shout \" “Free Palestine” while gang-raping Jewish women, girls, and children.

They should “free Palestine” while beheading just-born babies.

They have many masks on their skin.


They are social parasites; they are social evils in the mask of human rights.

They are not students, but JIhadis and Talibans.

Jihadis are watered by knowledge centers, funded by scholarships, and employed by states to victimize Jews and black Christians.


My love Stanford, how did that German gynecologist kill you with the vaccine on July 4, 2023?

How was your other sibling in India killed by honor killing in 2010?

The same way Jihadis and their allies killed our Jewish community on October 7, 2023.

It is a pure evil known as Islam and Muslim”