Petrichor of Love

A Poet Gazing at the Skies

Beneath the expansive canopy of heaven\'s grand stage,
Stood a humble poet, entranced by the celestial engage,
A poet watching the skies, in tranquil contemplation,
Seeking inspiration from the celestial constellation.

With eyes akin to Earth\'s still waters, he beheld the night,
Lost in the splendour of the heavens, a celestial light,
The constellations, like ancient verses, their secrets implied,
As the poet watched the skies, his soul could not hide.

With quill and parchment ready, he pondered the cosmic prance,
Each star, each planet, engaged in their celestial dance,
The Milky Way, a river of stardust dreams it seems,
In the poet\'s heart, a cosmic wonder gleams.

The meteors, like wishes, shot across the velvet dark,
Their fiery tails inscribing tales, an ethereal mark,
He penned verses of Marvel, of galaxies far and wide,
In the limitless universe, where destinies coincide.

The steadfast North Star, like a celestial guide,
A beacon of hope, a heavenly compass worldwide,
The poet found his muse in this cosmic design,
In the endless firmament, where destinies intertwine.

He marveled at the planets, each with its own lore,
From Mars\' ruddy shades to Venus\' shining core,
Jupiter\'s tempestuous storms, Saturn\'s encircling grace,
In the verses of the poet, the cosmic stories took their place.

The meteor showers, like luminous fireworks unfurling,
Inspired his verses, like a cosmic story twirling,
With every passing moment, the universe unfurled,
In the verses of the poet, a celestial tapestry was swirled.

As the night receded and dawn\'s light did appear,
The poet, still gazing, held the cosmos dear,
Awe-struck, he realized the skies held infinite art,
In his verses, he glimpsed a shard of the universe\'s heart.

A poet watching the skies, a soul touched by the sublime,
In the silent night\'s embrace, through the passage of time,
He captured the stars, the planets, the moon\'s sweet grace,
In the poetry of the heavens, his spirit found its place.

With a heart full of wonder, he inscribed his final line,
A poet watching the skies, in the quiet divine,
He\'d unearthed his inspiration from the boundless cosmic sea,
And in the poetry of the stars, his spirit forever free.